Archive for March 2012

D.I.Y Inspiration


Hello Everyone!! Happy Wednesday to you!

This summer I will be moving to a new town to go to college, and all I can think about is how I am going to decorate my new room when I get up there. I have found a few extremely cute and relativley easy-looking D.I.Y's on Pinterest that I think would look remarkable in my apt.

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This is probably the thing I am looking most forward to doing. Right now I don't have a headboard, and I think this is just such a cute and very do-able project. I found it on Pinterest, but here is a link to the blog if you are interested in doing your own headboard!

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 This ruffled pillow is adorable! Its a little upsetting that there wasn't a link to the original page for a step-by-step tutorial. :(

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So Adorable!! I would love to do a larger version of this! Here is a link to the blog with step-by-step instructions!

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Such a great money and space saver!! Here's a link for a tutorial!

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I can't wait to try this out!! SO cute! I can already imagine these in a corner of my future room! Here is a link!

Hope you enjoyed!! Let me know if you decided to try one of these super cute D.I.Y's or if you have an amazing one yourself!!
<3 Ness

3 Fears (30 Things #2)


There are many things that I am afraid of. Most of these things I can get over pretty quickly-like wasps or the dark-, but there are a few things that will always creep me/freak me out!

1) Cockroaches.
Probably the grossest thing alive. Just writing about them right now is making me nervous. I feel like this fear of cockroaches runs in the family because my two sisters are also very terrified of cockroaches. I don't really know when this fear began; I guess it's just been with me my whole life. There are a few things that have definitely heightened my fear though.
I remember when me and my 2 sisters shared a room I saw a cockroach on my sister's blanket.Now I am not sure if this actually happened because I was very little, but it seems very real in my mind. My Aunt also once told me this horrific story about her own cockroach encounter, but it is really too gross to go into detail on my blog; just believe me when I say it was a horrific story.

2) Fire.
I can not stress enough how scared I am of fire. Now I can handle like a candle burning or a fireplace. it is more the handling of the fire that scares me. I will NOT light a match. I will NOT do that thing where people swish their hand through the fire (idiots), even though people say it doesn't burn. I am also scared of the possibility of a house fire. Just the thought of losing everything is very scary. The fear is more towards losing my pets than my possessions though.

3) Hills.
Now, I am more scared of being in a car stopped or parked on a steep hill. It just freaks me out soo bad!! I'm always afraid I am going to roll backwards and die... I guess I am being a little dramatic, but they really do scare me .. A LOT!!

OK those are my three biggest fears. If you end up doing this too please leave a link down below. I would love to read them. :D

<3 Ness

March 23


Now, I told myself I would not do a post on The Hunger Games, BUT I couldn't help myself. So here goes.

I heard about The Hunger games back in January 2012 from people I watch on YouTube. I ended up reading the books and falling in LOVE with the trilogy. Ever since I have been eagerly awaiting March 23 to arrive!! My best friend and I made t-shirts even to wear at the theater.

I must say that I am a Peeta girl. If you have been following my blog then you probably already know this since I tend to talk about it alot. If only all guys were like Peeta Mellark! *sigh*

Anyways I thought I could share some of my favorite Hunger Games things I have come across.


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How cute are these!!

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AH! I love this soo much!! Wish i could have it!!


The last thing I love is this "spoof" book for The Hunger Games. I haven't read it yet, but just by looking at the back of it I know it will be hilarious.. or at least I think it will be.
The Hunger Pains: A Parody (Harvard Lampoon)

Don't forget to catch the 74th annual Hunger Games on March 23.
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor


A Letter for Monday!


Happy Monday!!

I love starting off my week writing cute little letters! So lets jump right in!

Dear Monday: Once again you are back to start off a new week. I have a feeling this week is going to be a good one. Lets see.. English is canceled for tomorrow, the Hunger Games comes out Thursday, and I'm going to go see a play on Friday. Yep, its going to be a good week.

Dear Spring Break: I did not get around to doing any of the fun Pinterest projects I had planned. Oh Well. At lease I got to spend time with one of my sisters. You were kinda boring this year, but we have next year to go all crazy!

Dear Charming Charlie: YAY! You opened up near me!! I am soo happy you came to our mall. You are a fantastic new addition!! I love the big floppy hat I got from you ( pic up above)!!

Dear Hunger Games: You are finally here... well almost!!! Words can not describe how excited I am to see you!!! I wish Peeta were real, cause I would make him mine in a heartbeat!!

Dear other Bloggers: Thanks for all of the tips you bring me on blogging. So helpful!!

Dear Week: I hope you live up to my expectations!!

<3 Ness

20 Random Questions (30 Things #1)

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Happy Saturday All!!
So sorry I have not been present in the blogging world. My Spring Break was this past week and I have just been lazy and enjoying no responsibilities. I was wanting to past something earlier but have been lacking inspiration, so I thought I would kick off my 30 Things today!!

1) List 20 random facts about yourself!

1. My sign is Virgo.

2. I am a massive Hunger Games Fan!!! It's almost ridiculous!

3. I love Mexican food. And by Mexican food I really just mean chips and cheese dip... ha

4. The movie Footloose ( new or old) makes me instantly happy!!

5. I don't drink sodas.

6. I dream of living in Australia, New York, LA, Colorado, Spain, and Greece.

7. When I was in 9th grade I was certain that I would marry an Australian Firefighter. Ha

8. I have a love for children with Down Syndrome. Most precious people you will ever meet!

9. Not a big vegetable eater. :p

10. I worked at an Ice Cream shop in 11th grade. Worst Job EVER!

11. I love makeup. For a while I was even contemplating being a Beauty Guru on YouTube. Ha ha!

12. The Double Rainbow Remix song that was popular like a year ago still makes me extremely happy.

13. I am a HUGE How I Met Your Mother fan!! Best show ever!

14. I love reading.

15. Although I love dressing up, you will mostly see me in jeans and a t-shirt.

16. Spring is my favorite season!!!

17. I have a 3 year old Pomeranian named Captain Crunch, Cappie for short.

18.Matthew Gray Gubler is my celebrity crush!

19. I am not very athletic. :(

20. My middle name is Carrel.

Dear Monday


Dear Monday: I never have anything planned for you. I think I need to start planning something on your day, so it won't be soo boring.

Dear Spring Break: Words can not express how happy I am that you are here. I desperately needed a break! It's just too bad that I didn't plan anything big to do. Maybe next year I should plan a beach trip. Yes! That would be fun!!

Dear Weather: Why did you decide to be rainy!?!? I wanted to lay out and you are literally "raining on my parade". Please stop! I have been too pale way too long.

Dear Heather: I miss you :( 

Dear Laundry: Oh how I hate you!! You take too long!! And even when you are done I hate you because that means I must fold you and hang you up. I need to hire a maid!!

Dear Readers: That's it for now! :)   I would love to read your little letters!! Post in a comment below or send me a link to your own fabulous blog! I promise I'll check it out!!! :)


About Fais Giveaway

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Faison from about Fais is doing an amazing giveaway. She is giving away a Clarisonic Mia!!
You can enter up to 12 times I believe. Definatly go check out the giveaway and while your at it check out the rest of her blog :D

Kony 2012


"KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice."

I have been seeing the Kony 2012 video going around youtube and being shared on facebook. Normally I just look past all of the "trending" things; however, I am so thankful that I didnt pass this one by.

 When I saw that it was 30 minutes long I thought I wouldnt make it through the whole thing and that it would bore me, but it didnt. It will keep you captivated till then end.

Please watch. You definatly won't regret it.


Happy Monday


Dear Monday: I love you because you are like an extension of my weekend. I have no classes to go to on this day, so I get to just sit around the house and leisurely do my schoolwork. I am going to hate it when you become a normal Monday next fall!

Dear UJ: Thanks sooo much for taking the time to take pictures of me. I am going to miss you while you are in Atlanta!

Dear Mississippi: I love how you are already getting warmer!! Keep it up because your cold winter has left me very pale and I need to get a-tanning.

Dear Microsoft Phones: Why cant you have a better market?? I am always left out of experiencing the cool apps because of you. Please improve!!

Dear Blog: I love you; even though we don't have very many followers right now. Hopefully that will change, but for now I am happy with the 6 we do have.

Dear Closet: I need to fill you up more. I guess that means I must go shopping!!! :D

Have a Wonderful Monday everyone. I got the idea from Holly at 8six11 . Go check her out. :)
Also go check out Megan at HAPPY DAY , who has lots of lovely Dear Mondays to read through!!


Senior Pictures :D


Today was a B-E-A-UTIFUL day!! The weather was perfect!! So, today I got my Uncle to take some pictures of me for my senior pictures. And by some I mean 741  !!

We decided to go to the lake to take the shots. It took almost 2 hours, but we all (Me, My Aunt and Uncle and my cousins) had a lot of fun.

This picture cracks me up. My aunt told me to act crazy, and this is what I did!!

Obviously, This is only a few of the pictures we took. I just scrolled through a few and picked some since I have not really taken the time yet to go through every single one.

I hope everyone's Sunday was amazing!!

Ness :)


blog (1) camera (1) case (1) chocolate (1) clothes (1) cousins (2) cowboys (1) crazy (3) day (2) deals (1) Dear Monday (1) disney (1) DIxie National Rodeo (1) faces (1) fashion (1) first (1) free (1) friends (1) holidays (1) JCPenny (1) keys (1) Kony 2012 (1) lace (1) last (1) Lee Brice (1) letter (1) Liebster Blog Award (1) Link Up (1) locked (1) minute (1) mom (1) Monday (1) msu (1) nail (1) night (1) of (1) Oh How Pinteresting (1) outfits (1) outside (1) pets (1) phone (1) pillow (1) Pizza (1) pjs (1) polish (1) puddles (1) rain (1) rainbow (1) rodeo (1) Ryan Gosling (1) shopping (1) sister (2) Ulta (1) Valentines (2) Wednesday (1) What Im Loving Wednesday (1) yoga (1)